Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Aviation Minister Blasts Fani-Kayode Over Plane Crash Remarks


Minister of Aviation, Princess Stella Oduah has blasted the former minister of aviation Mr Fani-Kayode over the remarks he made about the recent plane crash telling him to bow his head in shame.
She said the ex-minister’s comments on the aviation sector were capable of misleading the public. Oduah spoke at the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization Conference organized in partnership with the Nigeria Airspace Management Agency (NAMA), in Abuja.
The event was tagged: “Transforming ATM Performance.” Oduah said: “When you see ignorant people in particular, I have sympathy for them.
This is because when you speak out of context, when you speak under whatever influence you are under, you speak incorrectly and mislead innocent Nigerians.
That is what he has done. He should hide his head in shame.” The minister restated her commitment to safety in the aviation sector.

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