ANGELES, March 19 (UPI) -- Rapper Lil Wayne has left Cedars-Sinai
Medical Center in West Hollywood after suffering a drug overdose that
sparked a series of massive seizures, TMZ said.
The 30-year-old hip-hop star spent most of his 6-day stay in the hospital in the Intensive Care Unit, the celebrity news website said.
Although he was still feeling weak when he left the hospital Monday night, he is a lot better than he was during the weekend, the report said.
There was no word on whether he was discharged from the hospital against medical advice or was deemed ready to leave by staffers.
The musician has a history of seizures. Last week's health crisis was reportedly triggered by his habit of drinking large amounts of cough syrup with codeine, mixed with soda or alcoholic beverages.
The 30-year-old hip-hop star spent most of his 6-day stay in the hospital in the Intensive Care Unit, the celebrity news website said.
Although he was still feeling weak when he left the hospital Monday night, he is a lot better than he was during the weekend, the report said.
There was no word on whether he was discharged from the hospital against medical advice or was deemed ready to leave by staffers.
The musician has a history of seizures. Last week's health crisis was reportedly triggered by his habit of drinking large amounts of cough syrup with codeine, mixed with soda or alcoholic beverages.
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