Funmi Akingbade
of the many ways to channel the sex hormones in both man and woman is
for couples to rediscover passionate kissing. Married couples are meant
to enjoy the touch and taste of each other’s lips. The burning sensation
is terrific especially if you eat some form of mint before kissing or
drink some minty drinks. After having sex stay in each other’s arms
delight in the closeness you get; tell your spouse how good it feels and
how much you love him or her. When couples take time to laze around in
the afterglow of sex, it is one of the most intimate things that bind
It is very paramount for husbands to
recognise and appreciate a wife’s definition of satisfaction. “I don’t
get it, “a husband told me in my office. “ I do everything I can think
of in bed, but my wife doesn’t usually have an orgasm.” “Does that
bother your wife?” I asked? “No. She seems contented. I don’t get that
either.” “That’s because many women are still satisfied with sex, even
when they don’t have an orgasm.” This husband stared blankly at me.
“Huh?” Husbands, if you want to satisfy your wife, shift your definition
of satisfaction. Of course, wives love to climax (who does not?), but
they can enjoy the lovemaking experience even when they do not reach
that place. Many women enjoy the sensuality of cuddling, talking,
kissing, and touching every bit as much as they enjoy the thrill of a
climax. Women’s sexual pleasure occurs on many levels other than simply
At this point, I would also want husbands
to know, admit, and value their sexual peaks. Most men reach their
sexual peak in their late twenties or early thirties. This however does
not mean than they are not potent at any age; infact science has it that
at 70 years upwards, 70 per cent of men are still very potent. Most
women reach theirs a decade or more later. Often when a woman is in her
forties and fifties, her sexual desire becomes stronger, sometimes
insatiable, especially when she is not in her child bearing age.
Moreover, as a man ages, his emotional side increases. This explain why
many older husbands spend more time in foreplay and romance. When
couples channel their sex hormones properly, they will, through each
stage, grow and learn more about each other and become more patient and
sensitive to each other’s needs. This allows a couple’s sex life greater
longevity and duration.
Until couples recognise the different
kinds of sex, they could waste their sex hormones. Mistakenly, couples
feel the pressure to have a “perfect” sex – complete with earthquake,
fireworks and multiple orgasms. But it is not every time you have sex
that there will be an “earthquake;”as long as you are both connecting,
that is perfect sex. Sometimes, sex will be a quickie to meet the need
of the moment. Sometimes, it could be functional sex, or just sex.
Sometimes, when you are not in the mood, you could have it simply
because your spouse needs you at that moment. Sometimes, it may be
comfort sex, the type you can find is in the arms of your spouse as a
friend and lover. You will be channelling the sex hormones rightly when
you understand that the different kinds of sex point to the ultimate
reason for sex: promoting the bond of oneness in the relationship. The
goal is not whether you end with a climax. The goal is that you are
connecting as a couple. If you think you are going to have a quickie and
your spouse is expecting a long, passionate encounter, both of you will
probably end up frustrated. So therefore clarify your expectations.
Women need to prepare mentally for sex. If a wife knows she is headed
for quickie sex, she can mentally prepare for that, including the
realisation that she may not climax.
Keep practising enthusiastically! Sex
stirs the craving for more sex. Lovemaking elevates the brain chemicals
associated with desire. Therefore, as couples decide to have sex and
find they enjoy their time of lovemaking, their libidos increase. This
often leads to an increased yearning to have sex more often. And of
cause this helps to fight weak, quick, and premature ejaculation. What
could be more fun and exciting than that? See you next week.
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