People usually get massages in order to de-stress but a massage equipped with snakes crawling all over you, seems stress-inducing rather than stress-relieving.
Well, the Jakarta spa in Indonesia offers snake massages, which they claim helps to alleviate stress by taking your mind off other day-to-day worries.
At the Jakarta's Bali Heritage Reflexology and Spa warm human hands are traded in for the cold scaly skin of a 6-foot python. Basically, the snake just slithers on you for the duration of the massage.
Well, the Jakarta spa in Indonesia offers snake massages, which they claim helps to alleviate stress by taking your mind off other day-to-day worries.
At the Jakarta's Bali Heritage Reflexology and Spa warm human hands are traded in for the cold scaly skin of a 6-foot python. Basically, the snake just slithers on you for the duration of the massage.
The Jakarta spa claims that the fear of feeling moving snakes is said to help alleviate stress by releasing adrenaline.
The spa offers numerous treatments including the snake massage with three pythons.
This new treatment has caused quite a stir in the spa but for those who have a love of snakes, and feel comfortable in their company, perhaps feeling them slither across your bare body might be genuinely relaxing.
So, what do you think? Would you ever let a snake crawl all over you in the name of massage and actually pay for it?
So, what do you think? Would you ever let a snake crawl all over you in the name of massage and actually pay for it?
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