Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Fashion Magazine That Never Uses Photoshop Displays Gorgeous Results (PHOTOS)


Fashion magazines have become devices to make women feel terrible while also desiring to look like computer simulations. Who needs to look like an extra from "The Sims" when you have the beauty that reality gives us? 
Verily Magazine never uses Photoshop, and the results are way more gorgeous.
So what do the pages of Verily look like?
The Fashion Magazine That Never Uses Photoshop Displays Gorgeous Results
Jie (on the right) isn't a model. She's actually a sales associate.
The Fashion Magazine That Never Uses Photoshop Displays Gorgeous Results
Grace isn't either. She's an advertising assistant.
The Fashion Magazine That Never Uses Photoshop Displays Gorgeous Results
The Fashion Magazine That Never Uses Photoshop Displays Gorgeous Results
Jodi is a writer. Not a model either.
The Fashion Magazine That Never Uses Photoshop Displays Gorgeous Results
And Sara is a publicist, not a model. Verily frequently uses everyday women of different races, ethnicities, sizes, and ages for their photo spreads. The women here range in age from 21 to 35 and are sizes 6-12.
Their Photoshop policy:
The Fashion Magazine That Never Uses Photoshop Displays Gorgeous Results
The Fashion Magazine That Never Uses Photoshop Displays Gorgeous Results
This pretty much describes how I feel!
Share this (if you think all magazines should be this way). 

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