Tuesday, September 10, 2013

ASK CAB: I Hate My Daughter With Every Breath In My Body, What Should I Do?


It's really hard to say but...I hate my daughter with every breath in my body...
My daughter won't get a job and stays in bed until late afternoon, about 4 or 5 o'clock.
Anyway, my mom was in hospital dying of cancer beginning of this year.
The doctor told me one morning she wouldn't live for afternoon.
I phoned my daughter to tell her so she could come and say her goodbyes.
She said she would be on her way but 3 hours later she hadn't arrived and she didn't pick the phone up.
My mom died that day and when I got home crying my eyes out, I heard my daughter snoring from her room.
When she got up, she said she was too tired and she'll say goodbye at the funeral if she can be bothered to go.
If not, she can go up to her graveside and pay her respect anytime.
I'm fuming deep down but trying not too show it.
I've lost respect for her inconsiderateness. How should I deal with my underlying anger?
For the people questioning my parenting, I raised her as best I could.
I always provided and gave her a stable home and shown her my love. She's 18 now but just started changing at 15

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