Saturday, December 14, 2013

Muhammadu Buhari Has A Say On Obasanjo's Letter To Jonathan


photo - Muhammadu Buhari Has A Say On Obasanjo's Letter To Jonathan
An important political figure in Nigeria, a former military ruler of Nigeria, Major General (rtd.) Muhammadu Buhari (b. December 17, 1942) published some of his thoughts concerning the controversial letter of ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo to President Goodluck Jonathan. You can read the full text of his statement below.
The Obasanjo letter did not come as any surprise to us. No right thinking Nigerian will choose to ignore the apalling descent to anarchy that Nigeria is experiencing under this government.

The good people of this country are equally oppressed by the PDP regimes of both Olusegun Obasanjo and Goodluck Jonathan. Therefore, while we have the right to demand accountability for the pertinent issues raised in the said letter, we also have the moral responsibility to question the sincerity of the messenger, and to condemn and reject the duo (Obasanjo and Jonathan) for their crimes against the good people of this country.

The destiny of Nigeria is the destiny of 170 million of us. No single individual, no single tribe, religion, political party or region can usurp this destiny for its selfish whim. Our strength and unity is national, not regional. There are attempts by the PDP to undermine this hard-earned national unity, we must guard against such manipulations with utmost vigilance.
Do you agree with his ideas?

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