After spending hours greeting guests, women expect to be a little pampered by the new man in their life. A relaxing foot massage or a simple foot rub can therefore do wonders to her mood on the wedding night.
1. Lots of romance: After a busy wedding, most women tend to feel exhausted and may just want to snuggle up in bed next to their man. And because they want to feel special too, romance is a must. Women want to be loved and the wedding night is the perfect time to get intimate.
2. Take it slow: It’s that one night of your life when you don’t need to find a reason to have sex. Yes, you are MARRIED! And it is the very reason why you wouldn’t want to rush things. Wedding night sex can be incredible if you just relax and take it slow.
3. A little pampering: After spending hours greeting guests, women expect to be a little pampered by the new man in their life. A relaxing foot massage or a simple foot rub can therefore do wonders to her mood on the wedding night. And treating each other to some sexy strokes can be quite a turn on.
4. A perfect kiss: A kiss says a lot about what’s going on in your head! Therefore, it has to be perfect. Women want to be kissed in the most spontaneous way possible. Remember that a sloppy, unadventurous kiss may just ruin your wedding night for good.
5. Have a few laughs: The mood is just right, isn’t it? The two of you are married and are about to spend the rest of your lives together. That itself should be the reason to laugh with your partner on your wedding night. Lovemaking is sure to follow once a woman is comfortable in her own skin.
6. A drink: Yes, she may feel out of sorts after the grand wedding reception, but a drink before sex sounds like a plan. Who doesn’t love a little wine after putting in so much hard work for your big day? A drink or two just creates the mood for some guaranteed foreplay too.
7. Some foreplay: Wedding night sex is not about winning the marathon. So stop rushing! Remember that without any foreplay, woman usually tend to feel lost and confused. Touch her in the most sensitive parts of her body to make sure there’s plenty of foreplay to arouse her.
8. An orgasm: Last but not the least, wedding night sex is incomplete without the Big O! And because women usually take longer to reach climax, it is important to relax her and not make a big deal about it. That said, find her way to an orgasm ‘coz that’s what it is all about.
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