Tuesday, May 7, 2013

20 Signs He Is Definitely A Player


We've all been there. We've all wanted to believe that the guy we're kinda into isn't what he seems to be: a player. It's easy to fall for a player - they're always saying the right things at the right time. Players are often pretty irresistible, which why they behave the way they do.
In order to help you decide if your guy is a player, here are some things you should look for
1) He only texts you after 11 p.m. - and it's always for a booty-call.
2) He doesn't actually listen to you when you talk about anything going on in your life.
3) He doesn't care if you're having a bad day.
4) He's not into hanging out with you - unless it's a booty call.
5) He's as smooth as butter - always saying the right thing at the right time.
6) You've never met his friends.
7) He's not interested in meeting yours.
8) There's only a 50-50 chance he'll actually show up for anything you guys have planned to do.
9) He's always got some excuse as to why he can't meet up for dinner or a movie. But if it's a booty-call, he's all over it. Literally.
10) You're not even sure he knows your number - you're the one who has to call and text him.
11) He alludes to wanting a relationship -- at least, he does until he's gotten his rocks off. Then he's out the door.
12) He's overly confident - cocky, even. He knows he's got game and he's not afraid to use it to get what he wants.
13) He divides his time among a lot of chicks, so he'll slip up sometimes and get bits of your life wrong (What do you mean you hate orange? It's your favorite color!). Because he confuses you with other girls.
14) He's never without his phone - even in the bathroom.
15) He has a couple of different phones.
16) He's married but "separated." Whenever you ask him about his divorce, he clams up or makes excuses as to why they're still living together.
17) You've never been to his house: He comes to yours. If you ask about it, he'll make up all kinds of excuses for why your place is better (his house is being fumigated, remodeled - anything).
18) There are no names alongside the numbers on his cell phone.
19) He never calls you by your name - just a pet name like "Baby." This way, he can't get it wrong.
20) All conversations with him have a sexual undertone.

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