Ministering at the service, Ashimolowo delivered a message tagged "The Release of Destiny".
He also released some prophecies for this brand new year 2014.
See his prophecies for 2014:
- Tonight, we command your release. “There will be a release of your destiny!”
- Your dream will become a reality. Your vision will become a reality
- Whether the world likes it or not, you will rise! You will shine!
- Every shackle on your mind, I set you free from it!
- Today, every casting that has been placed over you, hiding your gifting, is torn off!
- Those who are trying to block you, God will take them out of the way!
- You shall overcome! No voodoo will stop you! No charm will stop you!
- We remove every hindrance! We destroy every hindrance!
- You will be a stranger to failure!
- There is coming, over your life, an anointing they will not be able to resist!
- Death will see you and flee! Poverty will see you and flee! Lack will see you and flee!
- You will not go back to yesterday! You will not go back to failure. You will not go back to limitation
- First, there was a divine release! A release is taking place in the realm of the Spirit!Second, there was a divine turnaround. “There WILL be a turnaround!Thirdly, there was a change of story. “Your story WILL change!”
- Every embarrassment and shame over your life, God will use for a greater testimony!
- Fourthly, there was divine celebration. “You will go from glory to glory! You will celebrate, this year!PRAISE HIM!!! It’s a new day! It’s a new season!What the enemy meant for evil will turn around for your blessing! Say it: My past is not my future!
- The Lifter of heads will lift your head. He will put a new song in your mouth
- Every year and productive season you have lost, we recover tonight! 2014 will be your year of celebration!
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