Mobile recharge service in Nigeria just got better. OneCard Nigeria is set to dole out free airtime on any Network to 1000 people.
In a few days’ time, OneCard Nigeria, makers of OneCard Recharge card will give the first 1000 people who sign up on the OneCard Website here: http://onecardnigeria.com/promotions/sign-up/ a free recharge voucher on any network.
OneCard is the recharge card that works on all networks. With OneCard you are can TopUp any line anytime. Say goodbye to the days of not finding the recharge voucher denomination of your network, now all you need is OneCard. Continue...
To win a FREE OneCard recharge voucher, simply sign up HERE: http://onecardnigeria.com/promotions/sign-up/ fill in details and OneCard tops you up FREE, no raffles.OneCard is set to unite phone users on all networks with its introduction of the OneCard Recharge voucher that recharges all networks.
Also in the coming days, OneCard will continually excite its customers and fans on Facebook and Twitter with FREE recharge cards and more to be won.
Simply visit the OneCardNigeria Facebook pagehttps://www.facebook.com/OneCardNigeriaOnline?fref=ts and LIKE it, share the #KingOfRecharge post, images, participate in trivia, games and more and stand a chance to win. Follow the conversation on Twitter @OneCardNigeria with HASHTAG #KingOfRecharge.
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