For some people it may be a medical condition, but for others, this problem can be solved simply by making a few changes to their lifestyle. This article discusses five sexy ways in which one can boost one’s libido, without resorting to medication.
1. Get Physical Together: Studies show that 30 minutes of exercise can improve sexual health and boost self-esteem. So encourage your partner to take up a fun exercise class with you. Or, you could simply take up walking, jogging or yoga to boost your sex drive. Doing these activities together will also enable you to bond with your partner. Another method to boost a lagging libido is by doing kegel exercises, as they can help strengthen the lower pelvic muscles and help prevent prostate problems in men and incontinence in women.
2. Bring out the Lotion: Women should take a long leisurely shower and afterwards gently begin rubbing in your favourite lotion or body butter all over your body. Take your time doing this as this will make you more aware of your body and enable you to tune in to your senses and you are much more likely to reach orgasm, if you do this regularly.
3. Eat more Fruits: Studies show that eating fruit can help boost your metabolism. So include fruit which are high in vitamin E as they increase blood flow in the body. Include fruit like kiwis, mangoes, bananas and pomegranates as they are loaded with antioxidants, which will not only keep you healthy but will boost your libido. So instead of your favourite dessert, include a bowl of fresh fruit in your daily diet.
4. Wear Red Clothes: If you want to boost your libido and get your man’s attention, wear red lingerie or a little red dress, because some studies have shown that the colour red not only boosts a woman’s confidence, but will also grab a man’s attention and boost his libido.
5. Tease Your Partner: Get your partner all hot and bothered by sending him/her sexy text messages all day long. Also, you could take suggestive pictures of yourself and send them to your partner, as this will boost libido hormones like dopamine, serotonin, and testosterone, and by the time you reach home, you and your partner will be ready to pounce on each other.
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