This is how a brother narrated his ordeal; ‘I have seen things- plenty things in my life but never a day had my pe**s had this sort of trauma. The tiny brother down below suddenly became my boss. Nay it would not quit standing no matter how hard I tried. Worse my eyes could not stop gawking at his tormentor. The more I stared, the harder it became. If this is what you call temptation, then I am doomed (father forgive me for I have sinned…).’
‘I had to ferret for her name. Beautiful? Nay I doubt but she wreaked sex and that was all that mattered. The man I am, the man I have lost in the presence of eve. No wonder Adam ate the forbidden fruit.’
‘I lull the name again in my mouth. How sweet it sounds. How sweet she will taste. I remember - I am a born again! I conquered and I’m still standing. I had to resist – the price of entrapment – Bill Clinton is my witness.’
‘Toni Tones. It still sounds sexual. Did I tell you I masturbated that night? Hmmmn.’
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