Saturday, November 23, 2013

Oreka Godis says 9ice is a MORON to think he will marry his baby mama!

Lol…apparently we omitted something

9ice in an interview he granted Punch said there is a possibility of getting married to his baby mama, Vicky Godis the same lady he denied ever having a baby with. Although 9ice has since admitted he did fathered Vicky’s twins and even shared their beautiful pics on instagram, Oreka’s family may not have forgiven him. His baby mama’s sister, actress, creative writer, producer and TV personality, Oreka  Godis went hump on him on twitter. She called him a liar, moron, joker, attention seeker… the list is endless. As I said we overlooked a very important angle.

Well, 9ice ya house is really on fire…you need to clean ya ass well well ooh!) More tweets after cut…

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