Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Premature Labor: How to Prevent It

As good as your chances are of carrying to term (and they're excellent!), there's always more you can do to help keep your baby put until he or she is completely ready for a healthy and timely arrival:
Eliminate the bad. Quit smoking, drinking, or using drugs.
Watch your weight.Gaining too much weight during pregnancy can up your odds of developing gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, both of which increase preterm labor risk. Gaining too little weight during pregnancy is another significant risk factor (as well as a risk factor for a baby born too small). Aim for the right gain (for the average woman — 25 to 35 pounds) and you'll greatly improve your chances of delivering a full-sized baby at full term.
Take your prenatal vitamins. Not only will that one pill a day enhance your overall health and that of your growing baby, but it'll also improve the odds that you'll carry to term. It doesn't take the place of a balanced diet, but it's insurance that every pregnant woman should invest in.
Eat well. That balanced diet is good for you, for your baby, and for your pregnancy. And here's yet another reason why: Making sure you get the right mix of nutrients can help prevent preterm labor — with extra special mention going to omega-3 fatty acids (found in salmon, DHA eggs, walnuts, and flax seed), vitamins A (enjoyed in carrots, apricots, and broccoli), C (look to citrus, berries, bell peppers), and E (noshed on in nuts, sweet potatoes, and mangoes), calcium (get milk and other dairy products or fortified juices), magnesium (enjoy in beans, tofu, yogurt, dried apricots, bananas, and sesame seeds), iron (get your share from beef, dried fruit, and soy products), zinc (found in turkey, pork, beef, oatmeal, corn, cooked oysters, and eggs), and the famously baby-friendly folic acid (added to most grain products, found naturally in bananas, oranges, and green leafies). (See The Pregnancy Diet.)
Eat often. Research suggests that it's not enough to ship your baby all the right nutrients — you should also make those shipments as regular as possible. Pregnant women who eat at least five times a day (three meals and two snacks, or five smaller meals, for instance) are less likely to deliver prematurely.
Drink up. Getting your eight glasses of fluids a day (more if you're exercising or it's very hot) will keep you hydrated — and staying hydrated increases your odds of keeping baby put. Dehydration can lead to premature contractions.
Be good to your gums. Preventative dental care is one of your first (and best, and easiest) lines of defense in preventing preterm labor, which can be triggered by gum disease. So brush, floss, and visit your dentist at least once during your pregnancy — not just for your regular cleaning, but also to take care of any little problems before they become big ones.
Go when you gotta go. Holding in your urine, besides being uncomfortable, can inflame your bladder — which in turn could irritate your uterus and set off contractions. Not going when you gotta go could also lead to a urinary tract infection, another cause of preterm contractions. So make a habit of peeing when you've got the urge to go.
Treat it. If you're considered high-risk because you have BV (bacterial vaginosis), ask your practitioner if an oral antibiotic is right for you. Some studies show that symptomatic women with BV who are treated with antibiotics have a reduced risk of preterm delivery. Other studies, though, have disputed those findings, saying that there is no reduction in the rate of premature delivery even if the infection (both BV and other STDs) is treated. Your practitioner will be able to best guide you.
Explore your options. Exciting new research is finding that the hormone progesterone reduces the risk for preterm birth in women with a prior history of one. If you've had a previous preterm birth, ask your practitioner if you're a good candidate for progesterone injections.
Test for it. There are two screening tests that may be useful in predicting whether you're at risk for preterm birth. Right now, these tests are only recommended for high risk women since positive test results aren't an accurate predictor of early delivery (but negative results can help avoid unnecessary interventions — and needless anxiety).
The first is fetal fibronectin (fFN), a test that detects a protein in the vagina only present if there have been uterine contractions. If you have a negative fFN test, it's unlikely you'll go into preterm labor within the next few weeks (so you can breathe easy). If it's positive, your risk of going into preterm labor is significantly high — but the good news is that your practitioner will likely take steps to prevent a preterm birth.
The second screening test is for cervical length. Via ultrasound, the length of your cervix is measured, and if there are any signs that the cervix is shortening or opening, your practitioner may take some steps to prevent early labor — such as putting you on bed rest or perhaps stitching your cervix closed. But before your practitioner gives you a cerclage, as this stitching procedure is called, talk to him or her about recent studies that have found that a cerclage isn't effective in preventing preterm labor as was once believed.

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