Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pregnant Mother Kills Herself And Her Three Children

A heavily pregnant mother jumped to her death yesterday after apparently killing her three young children.
Hours earlier, Fiona Anderson had posted desperate Facebook messages saying her partner had left her for another woman.
The 23-year-old put up photographs of her three children with the message: ‘Mummy will always love you and I’ll never leave you.’
But she was found dead at the foot of a car park at 8am after apparently throwing herself from the multi-storey building
Police officers were dispatched to her home half a mile away and found the bodies of her children – Levina, three, Addy, two, and Kyden, 11 months.
In her Facebook postings, Miss Anderson issued an emotional plea to Craig McLelland, the father of her children.
‘All we did was love you,’ she wrote. ‘We never gave up on you. You have hurt us so much for so long. I gave you everything I could. Your kids worshipped you like a god.’
Miss Anderson then posted pictures of each of her children and wrote messages about how much she loved them.
Last night, Mr McLelland arrived at Miss Anderson’s home close to the seafront in Lowestoft, Suffolk.
Choking back tears, he said: ‘I have just lost my family. My children are dead. What would you be feeling?
‘I found out this morning when I got a phone call saying somebody had committed suicide and I had a feeling who it was.’
When asked whether he had left Miss Anderson for another woman, Mr McLelland, who lives in Lowestoft, broke down and declined to comment.
Miss Anderson is thought to have fallen 40ft to her death in Gordon Road. Her children were found three hours later.
Neighbours and friends were last night putting cuddly toys and flowers on a makeshift shrine outside the flat in a mark of respect.
Karleigh Burlingham, 20, who lives nearby, said: ‘She was a lovely person.
‘She just didn’t seem the sort of mother to do this. It is devastating that three innocent little children have died.
‘I knew her for three or four years and I thought she was a brilliant mother.
‘Her kids were healthy and well brought up. Fiona was outgoing and friendly. She would talk to anyone and she was very laid back.
‘But her boyfriend left her about a month or so ago for someone else. She was heavily pregnant with a baby girl due next month.

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