Weeks after X-rated photo of Muna Obiekwe sucking actress Biola Ige’s boobs went viral on the internet, the Enugu based actor who claimed he was not aware of the x-rated pics or the movie until it was brought to his attention for the first time tells Vanguard his own side of the story;
“I was made aware of it. I don’t remember the movie. I also don’t remember sucking Biola’s breasts. If the movie exists, that scene never took place.”
Like I told you, I don’t recall the movie. I do a lot of movies and I can’t remember what happens in all of them. The fact that I don’t recall means that the movie was shot a long time ago. Probably three or more years back. when love scene was in vogue with producers. I’m still searching for the movie to acquaint myself with the story.
There has never been anything between myself and any actress that I’ve made a movie with. My romantic relationships have always been outside the movie industry. I don’t take my work home.
On being labeled a porn star, Muna says…
I’m not a porn star and I never will be. Love making scenes are sometimes inclusive in a movie and should be done with class. Sometimes editors and directors don’t edit or direct well and it comes out wrong. Will you call any of the American or British movie stars a porn star?
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