Thursday, December 5, 2013

10,000 business directories and gift vouchers to be given out free to Lagos residents

Heard of The Island Directory and Map? The Island Directory and Map is a free business directory listing businesses on the island ie Ikoyi, Victoria Island, Lekki and Lagos Island, which will be distributed door to door to homes on the island. Continue...

The first batch of 10,000 copies of the 2014 edition will be distributed in January 2014 to residents in the following estates:

                      Victoria Garden City (VGC)  - 1,500 copies

                      Lekki Phase 1 - 3,000 copies

                      LSDPC Flats, VI  - 344 copies

                      1004, VI - 1200 copies

                      Eko Courts, VI - 171 copies

                      Dolphin Estate 1 & 2 - 1,478 copies

                      Parkview Estate, Ikoyi

Various gift and discount vouchers from various businesses on the Island will be distributed along with the directories.

The Island Directory is being printed by Terebinth Webdesigners & Publishers. Terebinth for the past three years have been printing The Lekki Phase 1 Directory and Map annually. (View images of the last edition at )  Last year they printed and distributed 3,000 copies to Lekki Phase 1 residents. That was the 3rd and final edition of The Lekki Phase 1 Business Directory & Map as the company announced that it was branching out beyond Lekki Phase 1 to include Victoria Island, Ikoyi, Ajah& Lagos Island. 

The Island Directory will ONLY list businesses in Victoria Island, Ikoyi, Lekki/Ajah and Lagos Island and will ONLY be distributed to residents in the same coverage area.

Advertising benefits of The Island Directory and Map

We believe the directories to be a unique advertising opportunity for businesses on the island

- The directories are not only free but distributed door to door.

- The directories are distributed to prime target audiences. 

- As is usual with all previous Terebinth directories, The Island Business Directory& Map will have a clean, bright and colorful layout on glossy print, ensuring ads are displayed in the best light.

- Unlike newspaper and other print media which in the end are used to wrap things, directories are usually well kept, and used by multiple people and remain relevant for years.

- With an average of 4 people in a home, 10,000 directories will have an audience of 40,000 people!

- The Island directories includes a map of the island, to aid customers in locating businesses and services.

To ensure your business is listed and for advert enquiries, contact Terebinth:

Phones: 01-2953718, 08107373827, 07040674634


Office: 2nd Floor, Providence House (by Tantalisers), Admiralty Way, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos.

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