Tuesday, October 8, 2013

REVEALED: President Goodluck Jonathan's Job Approval Ratings Drop


Governance poll results released by NOI Polls Limited for the past month have revealed a decline in approve of President Goodluck Jonathan's performance, with ratings dropping from 57% in August to 49% in September.
Further findings showed that majority (50%) are of the opinion that the present administration performed averagely.
The result presented is the ninth of the monthly series of governance polls conducted by NOI Polls to have the opinions and perceptions of Nigerians regarding three crucial elements - the approval rating of the president, the performance of the current administration, and the situation of power supply in the country.
Respondents to the poll were asked three specific questions. One, with the aim of weighing the job approval rating of Mr President over the past month, BusinessDay reported.
Respondents were asked if they approved or disapproved of the performance of President Jonathan in the past one month? With results showing that overall, majority 49% are in support of the President’s performance over the past month. 42% approved and 7% strongly approved of the performance of the President.
Relatively, 24% of respondents disapproved of the President’s performance, with 19% disapproving and 5% strongly disapproving, while, 27% of the respondents were neutral in rating his performance.
Evaluating the President’s rating in a nine months series show that the highest approval ratings of the President’s performance were obtained in August (57%), February (54%) and July(53%). Similarly the lowest approval ratings received by the President were in the months of May (44%), June (44%) and April (42%).

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