Tuesday, October 29, 2013

4-Year-Old Girl Runs Quarter-Mile Alone In The Dark To Rescue Dad


Photo: Chris Lucas with his daughter Cadance
Chris Lucas from Michigan had his life saved by his 4-year-old daughter who ran a quarter-mile in the dark in order to save her dad.
Chris Lucas was knocked unconscious after hitting his head while unloading scrap metal from his truck on October 15.
His four-year-old Cadance, who was with him, understood she had to do something to rescue her father.
She ran about a quarter-mile in the dark to find a neighbor for help.

"Most kids would have sat there until their parent woke up," Chris Lucas told the Daily News.
"She took the initiative to run out even though it was dark." 
Fortunately, the neighbor called an ambulance. Lucas sustained a small bump on the back of his head, according to TV6.
But he thinks the end result would have been much worse if his daughter hadn't responded the way she did.

"I think she saved my life,"
Lucas told the station. "She's my hero for sure."

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