Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Woman Charged For Allegedly Having Sex With Skeleton

A 37-year-old woman in southwestern Sweden who was on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 charged for Necrophilia took ‘boning’ to a new level, police contend, and may face up to two years in the slammer.

Police sources at the Gothenburg District Court say the woman took ‘boning’ to a new level and may face up to two years in prison for violating the peace of the dead.

According to the Huffington post, the whole incident came to the open when police was notified of a gunshot fired from the woman’s apartment in September, which led to the alleged discovery of 100 skeleton parts in her apartment.
It was also reported that police discovered a CD titled ‘My Necrophilia’ while searching her home as well as photo shots of a woman being intimate with the skeleton parts including licking a skull. The accused woman however denied the allegations on claims that the skeletons were in her possession for historical interest.
The prosecuting counsel to the case Kristina Ehrenborg-Staffas said, ‘In the confidential section of the investigation we have material which indicates she used them in sexual situations’.
‘Some of the photos show a woman licking a skull. She has a lot of photos of morgues and chapels, and documents about how to have sex with recently deceased and otherwise dead people,’ she told them. Evidence also showed that the woman had sold skulls over the internet

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