Tuesday, March 12, 2013

J.R. laid to rest on 'Dallas'

J.R. laid to rest on 'Dallas'

On Monday night, "Dallas" said goodbye to not just a legendary TV character, but to a TV star.
Larry Hagman's unexpected death back in November meant that the new "Dallas" series would have to deal with the death of J.R. Ewing.

In last week's episode, J.R.'s son, John Ross, was speaking to his father on the phone when he heard gunshots.

The episode opened with Bobby, Sue Ellen, John Ross and Christopher landing a helicopter in Mexico, stone-faced at the realization that J.R. might actually be dead.
The circumstances of his death were mysterious, and we'll find out the answer soon enough. But much of the episode dealt with the immediate aftermath of such a larger-than-life figure suddenly dying.
At J.R.'s wake, not only did we see Lucy Ewing and all of J.R.'s ex-wives, but Dallas team owners, including Mark Cuban, there to mourn him. Not only friends, but enemies - and, of course, a fistfight broke out at one point.
John Ross bonded with his cousin Christopher, who assured him that they would find J.R.'s murderer.
At the funeral, many of the Ewings spoke, including Bobby, who still didn't quite know how to go on after this.
But Sue Ellen's speech was definitely the most memorable. She tearfully read from a letter that J.R. wrote asking her to dinner.
"Yes, yes, J.R., the answer is yes!" she said. "You were the love of my life."
John Ross remained at J.R.'s graveside, long after everyone left.
Soon, Bum arrived with information for Bobby, John Ross and Christopher. As they had believed, J.R. did go to Abu Dhabi, searching for Bobby's ex-wife, Pam. When he was in Mexico, he was there trying to help Bobby.
Bobby received a note, but wouldn't show it to anyone. He went into J.R.'s room and toasted him, saying he had "one more left in him."
In true "Dallas" fashion, we're left with something of a cliffhanger. But the show had a chance to pay tribute to J.R. for the "charming scoundrel" that he was.
Do you think the show did J.R. justice? What do you think was in Bobby's note? Share your thoughts on video or post a comment.

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