Monday, March 11, 2013

Hostage Killings, unforgivable act of cold blooded murder – Hague

The British  Foreign Minister, Mr William  Hague,  has condemned the killings  of  seven hostages in Nigeria, describing it  as “an  unforgivable act of cold- blooded murder”.
William in a statement in London on Sunday  said,  a British construction worker held hostage  since Feb. 16, was likely to have been killed at the hands of his captors along with six other foreign nationals.

“My thoughts are with his family, and the families of the other hostages, who will be devastated by this tragic loss. “I offer them our deep condolences at this terrible time and know that the thoughts of people up and down our country will
be with them,” Hague said.
He said, “ responsibility for this tragic outcome rests squarely with the terrorists.” Hague said that Britain would work with the Nigerian government to hold the perpetrators of this heinous act to account.
 According to the BBC,  militant group Ansaru, believed to be an offshoot of Boko Haram, says it has killed the captives. The group said the hostages were killed because of a rescue attempt by British and Nigerian forces.
 It said British warplanes had been seen in Bauchi.   However, the UK Foreign Office said, “there are a number of deployments as part of various engagements in Africa which will include the movement of assets

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