Saturday, March 9, 2013

Archbishop of Canterbury offers personal apology to victim over abuse claims

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has apologised to a woman whose complaint of abuse was not taken seriously by a senior Church of England cleric.

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby 
The Bishop of Winchester Tim Dakin suspended the Dean of Jersey, the Very Rev Robert Key, on Friday following a critical independent report into the 2008 complaint by the woman of abusive behaviour by a churchwarden in Jersey.
The report, commissioned by the Diocese of Winchester's Safeguarding Panel, raised concerns that the dean did not take the complaint seriously.
He also showed a perceived lack of neutrality, offered poor communication and failed to act in relation to the parishioner.
The archbishop said in a statement: "The Bishop of Winchester's swift, decisive and wholly necessary actions following his receipt of this report are to be commended.
"I too wish to add my own personal apologies to the young woman who was so badly let down by those she had turned to for help and I wholeheartedly support the investigation that the bishop has launched. He must receive full co-operation from all involved.

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